Step Two:

Online Applications

  • Basic Information (5 min)
  • Academics: No transcript required (5 min)
  • Personal statement (20 min)
  • Short essay questions (35 min)

Total time: ~1 hour

We suggest taking time to write your personal statement and essay questions in a separate text editor before submitting.

Step Three:

Video Interview &
Admissions Decision

Be prepared to discuss the following:

  • Your application
  • Your career goals in healthcare
  • Why you are pursuing medicine
  • Why you are interested in Atlantis

Total time: ~30 minutes

The Admissions team looks for a genuine passion for healthcare, good communication skills, an altruistic attitude, maturity, and professionalism in all of our potential Atlantis students, as this shows us how you will interact with our international hospital partners.

Step Four:

Enrollment Process

  • Choose a program placement
  • Choose a payment plan
  • Submit the $900 Enrollment Fee
  • E-sign the student contract

Total time: ~2 weeks

Your Admissions Coordinator is the best resource for answering any questions that you or your family may have during the enrollment process.


After your enrollment is approved for your program, one of our operations team members will be your main point of contact to make sure that you are prepared and feel comfortable and confident about travel logistics, cultural changes, and program expectations. They will also make sure your passport is up to date and that you submit any other required forms needed to go abroad or for your specific hospital placement.

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