
$5,599 • Available

Hospital Info

  • Public Hospital
  • 600+ beds total
  • 100s of employees

What's Included

  • Shadow 60+ Hours
  • Small groups of 10 - 15 students
  • Local Housing
  • 24/7 Atlantis staff in your city
Check Eligibility~2mins

Destination Overview

Valladolid is the largest city in the region of Castilla y León in northwestern Spain, with a population of 420,000 people. The origin of the city’s name is the Celtic expression Vallis Tolitum, meaning “valley of waters” - Valladolid is situated in between two rivers, Pisuerga and Esgueva. It was the capital of Spain in several occasions, and it is the city where Christopher Columbus spent the last days of his life. Nowadays, Valladolid is a major economic center in Spain, and car manufacturing is the most important industry in the city. Located about two hours from Madrid and two hours from Portugal, Valladolid is an ideal area for supplemental travel.

Program Dates

Summer Sessions

  • May. 16, 2020 – Jun. 12, 2020
    4 Weeks

The City

When in Valladolid, make sure to visit the sculpture museum, the palace, and the many beautiful churches that are scattered around the city. After a long day of exploring, enjoy a coffee in the Plaza Mayor, where families and tourists alike gather in the summer evenings. Most Spanish towns and cities will have a Plaza Mayor, but Valladolid's is among the largest and oldest that Spain has to offer. If you're a history buff, you'll be excited to learn that Miguel de Cervantes had a house in Valladolid, which you can visit and imagine yourself as one of his characters in Don Quijote!

JFK: 6hrs
LAX: 10hrs
ATL: 8.5hrs

Local Time:

Official Language:

Hospital Experience

The University Rio Hortega Hospital is a public hospital situated in the south part of Valladolid in the Castilla y León region in Spain. This hospital was established in 1953. The new modern building where the hospital is operating now was opened in 2008 and it currently serves a population of 215,000 people, it has more than 600 beds and 15 ORs. Its state-of-the art technology makes the University Rio Hortega Hospital one of the most advanced in both Spain and in Europe. Fellows will gain a diverse shadowing experience in this well-equipped hospital in Spain.



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