
$3,499 • Limited Availability

Hospital Info

  • Public Hospital
  • 600 beds total

What's Included

  • Shadow 60+ Hours
  • Small groups of 10 - 15 students
  • Local Housing
  • 24/7 Atlantis staff in your city
Check Eligibility~2mins

Destination Overview

Pontevedra is located in northwest Spain in the region of Galicia. It has been described as a "definitive old Galician town." Sights include the pilgrim chapel in the Praza da Peregrina, the historic Zona Monumental, and the Alameda, a promenade along the estuary, or ‘ría’. One of the staple cities of Galicia, Pontevedra sits on an inlet that leads out to the Atlantic Ocean. The Galician people, or Gallegos, are notoriously humble people, and their Spanish accent is as sing-song-y and pleasant as their outlook on life in the beautiful north. Even though it sits above Portugal, it operates on the Spanish timezone, meaning that the sun sets well after 9pm in the summer. After spending a few weeks in Galicia, you might never want to leave!

Program Dates

Summer Sessions

  • Jun. 13, 2020 – Jun. 26, 2019
    2 Weeks

The City

While your mental image of Spain might look more like the sandy-colored region of Castilla-La Mancha or the bustling urban centers of Barcelona or Madrid, Galicia will surprise you in the best way. Traveling from Madrid by train up to Pontevedra will reveal a deep green, mountainous side of Spain you didn’t know existed. You can expect the best fresh seafood you’ve ever had, cooler weather during the summer months than in the rest of Spain, and easy access to amazing destinations like Las Islas Cies, an island chain off the coast of Pontevedra. The majority of people will speak Spanish, especially during the summer months when Madrileños might come for vacation, but keep your ears out for new words in Gallego, the local dialect of Galicia.

JFK: 9.5hrs
LAX: 14hrs
ATL: 12.5hrs

Local Time:

Official Language:
Spanish, Galician (Gallego)

Hospital Experience

The Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Pontevedra (Pontevedra University Hospital Complex) is accredited for teaching, which means that Atlantis students will have the opportunity to meet not only physicians and nurses, but also residents and Spanish medical school students. It has over 600 beds and very publicly considers the patient to be the most important focus, creating an enlightening atmosphere to learn about patient interaction.

Alumni Favorite

Las Islas Cies

This small island chain off the cost of Pontevedra is the perfect day trip or camping excursion. The island is completely devoid of hotels, but instead offers a large camping ground to accommodate visitors coming to enjoy the many pristine beaches, hiking trails, and lighthouse lookout spots. We like to think Las Islas Cies is one of Spain's best kept secrets.

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