Trusted by alumni
from 400+ universities

95% of our alumni would recommend this program to a friend on and Our alumni come from the best universities across the U.S. and are vying for medical school seats.

Partners with Europe’s
best hospitals.

Students shadow physicians for 20+ hours per week, observe multiple specialties, and gain a more global perspective of medicine firsthand in some of Europe’s leading hospitals like the Italian Ministry of Health in Rome.

Recognized by America’s leading healthcare and study abroad institutions

Atlantis is recognized by the leading healthcare and study abroad institutions in the U.S., including contributing to the Forum on Education Abroad and being committed to the AAMC’s ethical guidelines for shadowing.

University Spotlight

“I was impressed by the organization of the program and the enthusiastic welcome from the hospitals and physicians. Atlantis is run in an extremely ethical manner, and it is clear that the students have the opportunity to benefit enormously from their experiences. Atlantis provides an ethical and safe opportunity for students to explore their interests in medicine, and to experience health care systems that are different from those in the United States.”

Seth J. Ramus, PhD (Director of Health Professions Advising, Bowdoin College)

How to get involved


IR Partner Programs

Atlantis was founded at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and continues to work with universities directly such as the University of Delaware and the University of Arizona, among many others, through our Institutional Relations or "IR" programs. IR Programs are customizable university-specific programs, facilitated through Atlantis and typically faculty-led and credit-bearing.


Advisor Site Visits

Atlantis has facilitated several advisor site visits, in which academic, pre-med, and pre-health advisors at universities across the U.S. have the opportunity to go in person to one of our program sites to experience what the program is like in order to better advise their students throughout the year as to whether an Atlantis program may be a good fit for them.


Ambassador Program

Exceptional Atlantis alumni have the opportunity to apply to become Atlantis Ambassadors through our on-campus Ambassador program. Ambassadors are an integral part of our outreach and help interested students come to better know and understand the value of our programs through sharing their personal experiences in presentations and event fairs at their universities.

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